+977 063 420692 info@asknepal.org.np

welcome to ASK NEPAL

Empowering rural Nepal for sustainable development

Our commitment to promoting sustainable economic and social development in rural communities.

Our NGO provides crucial aid in Organic Farming, Governance, and Accountability to individuals in Nepal and its surrounding areas.


Empowering rural Nepal through sustainable farming and community development.

About Us

Our Mission& Vision

We aim to empower rural Nepali communities by promoting sustainable practices and increasing economic opportunities while conserving biodiversity. Our goal is to improve their social, economic, and cultural standards of living through self-advocacy, good governance, and environmental sustainability.

Village Development

ASK Nepal empowers rural communities in Nepal by providing self-income generating programs to 49 villages, thanks to the support of Danish individual donors.

Sustainable & Livelihood

Organic farming in Kavre completed, ongoing project in Syangja. Collaborating with youth and other organizations.

Digital Village (IT)

Collaborating with Danish NGO Trianglen, we have set up 4 IT labs in Syangja district and aim to increase the number of schools to 10 by 2020.


Build a sustainable development scheme that unites rural communities and provides them with the necessary funds to start new income-generating activities.

Our Causes

What We Do

Non-governmental organization that seeks to empower rural communities in Nepal by promoting sustainable farming practices and increasing economic opportunities for farmers while promoting inclusive social practices in their communities. ASK Nepal’s mission is to improve the life standards of poor and socially excluded farmers, empower disadvantaged groups, strengthen farmer organizations and networks, and promote local governance and democracy.


Empower rural communities


Increase agricultural production


Provide training and education


Empower disadvantaged groups


Coordinate new technologies and resources


Strengthen farmer organizations and networks


Promote local governance and democracy

Support Us

We’ve raised over $XXXX for LOCALS

ASK Nepal empowers rural communities in Nepal through sustainable farming, economic opportunities, and social inclusion. The organization promotes local governance, democracy, and biodiversity conservation.


Support ASK Nepal financially by donating to our cause.


Volunteer with ASK Nepal to assist in their community-based projects.


Spread awareness about ASK Nepal’s mission and work in empowering rural communities in Nepal.


Contribute to a campaign

Join us in empowering rural communities in Nepal. Support our Development Aid program by donating today and help us continue to provide micro-loans, build infrastructure, and improve the livelihoods of thousands of families.

पर्वतमा जलवायु परिवर्तन अनुकूलन मार्फत स्थानीय जीविकोपार्जनमा सुधार गरिने

पर्वत, १० श्रावण २०८१ युएसएआईडी जल जङ्गलको सहयोगमा स्याङ्जा, पर्वत र कास्की जिल्लाको पञ्चासे क्षेत्रमा सञ्चालन हुन लागेको जलवायु परिवर्तन अनुकूलन मार्फत स्थानीय जीविकोपार्जनमा सुधार परियोजनाको शुभारम्भ कार्यशाला आज पर्वतमा...

आस्क नेपाल २५ बर्षमा प्रवेशः संस्थापकलाई सम्मान, रजत जयन्ती बर्षभर मनाउदै

स्याङ्जा २६ मंसिर २०७९ हरी प्रसाद ढकाल (कार्यक्रम विकास निर्देशक) "सहकार्यबाट दिगो विकास, गरिवी न्युनीकरणका लागि शैक्षिक पुर्वाधार, शान्त र समतामुलक समाज निर्माणका लागि आधारभुत अधिकार" भन्ने परिकल्पनाका साथ २५ बर्ष अघि स्याङ्जामा स्थापना भएको आपसी सहयोग केन्द्र...

पुतलीबजारमा संबोधन परियोजनाको बार्षिक समिक्षा सम्पन्न

स्याङ्जा २५ मंसिर २०७९ हरी प्रसाद ढकाल (कार्यक्रम विकास निर्देशक)पुतलीबजार नगरपालिका स्याङ्जामा रहेका २९३ जना सीमान्तकृत र विपन्न महिला घरपरिवारहरूको लागि अस्थायी आधारभूत आम्दानीको लागि गाउँमा सामाजिक परिचालनको गुणस्तरमा सुधार गर्ने, गरिब र सिमान्तकृत परिवार र कोभिड...

आस्क नेपाल को २५ औ बार्षिक साधारण सभा एवं १२ औ अधिवेशन २०७९ हुने बारेको सूचना ।

मिति २०७९ असोज २२ गते बिहान ११ बजे सस्थाको कार्यालयमा बार्षिक सामाजिक परिक्षण सहितको २५ औ बार्षिक साधारण सभा एवं १२ औ अधिवेशन २०७९ हुन गइरहेकोले आजिवन सदस्य, साधारण सदस्य, कर्मचारी एवं सम्बन्धित सम्पूर्णको उपस्थितिको लागि हार्दिक अनुरोध गर्दछौ...

आस्क नेपालद्वारा जिल्ला अस्पताल स्याङ्जालाई स्वास्थ्य सामाग्री हस्तान्तरण

स्याङ्जा २ असोज २०७९ त्रिकोण डेनमार्क एवं आस्क नेपालको साझेदारीमा स्याङ्जा र काभ्रेपलाञ्चोक जिल्लामा सञ्चालन भेरहेको एकिकृत ग्रामीण सहयोग कार्यक्रम अन्तरगत डेनमार्कबाट प्राप्त अत्यावस्यक स्वास्थ्य सामाग्री एक कार्यक्रम बिच जिल्ला अस्पताल स्याङ्जालाई हस्तान्तरण गरियो ।...

आस्क नेपालको सरोकारवाला सहितको चार दिने प्राङ्गारीक कृषि उन्मुख अवलोकन भ्रमण सम्पन्न

३० माघ, २०७७ स्याङ्जा परम्परागत प्राङ्गारीक कृषिलाइ परिस्कृत गर्दै आधुनिक व्यावसायीक कृषिलाइ प्राङ्गारिक उन्मुख बनाउदै नेपाल विशेष गरि स्याङ्जाको कृषि उपजलाई प्राङ्गारीक प्रमाणित गरि बजारीकरण गर्नुपर्छ भनेर लागीरहेको आपसी सहयोग केन्द्र स्याङ्जा नेपाल ले सरोकारवाला...

आपसी सहयोग केन्द्र, स्याङ्जा नेपाल द्वारा २ स्थानिय तहका ३ वडाका कृषकलाई ८७०० विरुवा वितरण

आफ्नो स्थापनाकाल बाट नै अनवरत कृषक र कृषी कर्मको बिषयमा काम गर्दै हजारौ कृषकलाई उत्प्रेरण गर्दै तालिम दिदै सहजिकरण गर्दै आइरहेको सस्थां आपसी सहयोग केन्द्रले यो बर्ष पनि किसानको लागी भन्दै कोरोना महामारीमा सामाजिक दुरी कायम गर्दै स्याङ्जाका भिरकोट नगरपालिका वडा ८ र...

Learn how to get involved

“Join us in empowering rural communities in Nepal by volunteering, donating, or partnering with ASK-Nepal to promote sustainable agriculture, inclusive social practices, and economic opportunities.”

I highly recommend ASK Nepal for their exceptional dedication and impact on education, organic farming, social improvement in Nepal.

Rabin BOgati

I have worked with ASK Nepal as a donor and highly recommend their outstanding commitment to improving Ecological Farming in Nepal through personalized programs and services.


Thanks to ASK Nepal, I have learned new skills for organic farming, which have increased my yields and helped me produce high-quality crops that are healthier for consumers and the environment. I highly recommend their training and resources to any farmer looking to adopt sustainable farming practices.

Motilal Lamichhane

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: (977) 063420692, +9779856050507